Verygood Presets - Portra 400

Very Good Presets is excited to introduce our first very good preset, an emulation of Portra 400 that is true to film. Too many “Portra 400” presets out there misrepresent the characteristics of the film. We painstakingly dialed in colors, contrast, and grain to reproduce a familiar look when exposed correctly. Nothing can replace real film, but this is pretty damn close.

Included with this preset:

  • .Portra 400: The main preset

  • //-Glow: Tweak to Clarity and Dehaze

  • //-Golden Hour: Tweak to HSL Orange

  • //-Grain+: More grain

  • //-Grain++: Even more grain

  • //-Pull: Lowers exposure and saturates shadows more

  • //-Push: Increase exposure


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