European and American users pay to purchase through ko-fi
Once a digital membership is activated, it cannot be returned.
All content is downloaded from Baidu Netdisk.
(European and American customers will provide other download methods, telegrams, and work uploads in the future)
Member content is collected into one post. Please read carefully before purchasing a membership. Once purchased, acceptance is defaulted.
作為一個重度收藏各類好玩好看東西的患者,此網站只是滿足一些自我蒐集的癖好。 並非專業資源販賣網站。 通過一些基礎會員等售賣來維持網站的服務器等一系列開銷。
請不要出現頻繁刷帖、倒賣等行為,一旦發現將直接删除帳號! 所有後果請自負!
As a patient who heavily collects various fun and beautiful things, this website only satisfies some of my self collecting hobbies. Not a professional resource sales website. Maintaining the website’s servers and other expenses through the sale of some basic members.
Please do not engage in frequent brushing, reselling, and other behaviors. Once discovered, your account will be deleted directly! Please bear all consequences at your own risk!